Monday, May 27, 2013

Starting off slow

For the curation that follows, I am hoping to enlighten you, the reader, about all those weird and interesting sports out there. The thing is, you have to take into consideration that somewhere, people have heard of these sports. I personally have not heard of most of them and I can imagine that most people have not heard of them either. However, that does not mean that they are not real sports and do not require the same amount of strength, reflexes, and agility. But some of them don't. Enjoy!

Water Polo

Water polo is not a fairly uncommon sport, I mean it is in the olympics, but I wanted to start with one that has the greatest chance of being known. Water polo is played in water, obviously, and many first-time onlookers are typically very confused because the main part of the game is the whistle blowing. It happens all the time because of many different things. Here's the gist of the game:
    • Get the ball in the goal-duh
    • There are four quarters, at the beginning of each there is a swim-off for possession
    • There is a 30-second shot clock, not shooting results in a turnover
    • You can only use one hand, goalies can use two
    • You are unable to enter within two-meters of the goal without the ball
    • You are allowed to press the person with the ball if they are holding it
      • if you are aggressively going for the ball and the offensive player drops it, it's a foul
    • If you get fouled outside of the five-meter, you can sutomatically take a shot
      • if you wait to shoot the goal will not count
    • You have to put the ball into play within five seconds otherwise it's a turnover
      • putting the ball into play consists of a pass, swimming with the ball, or popping it (throwing it up into the air)
Those are the main points, there are many other rules but there's too many and listing them all would cause much more unneccessary confusion. only watch 10:00 to 10:17

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