An individual group of cups either up stacked or down stacked such as a 3 stack, 6 stack or 10 stack; or a specific stacking sequence, or pattern, involving a combination of individual stacks (e.g. 3-3-3 stack, 3-6-3 stack, and Cycle stack).
Upstacking: term used for stacking the cups “up” into pyramids. The “up stacking phase" begins once the Stacker starts the Timer or starts up stacking the first stack in the sequence. Down stacking: term used for "un-stacking" or putting cups "down" into "nested" columns. The "down stacking phase" begins once the Stacker starts down stacking the first stack in the sequence.

When zorbing you will find yourself inside a gigantic, bouncy, transparent pvc ball, surrounded by a thick cushion of air and another larger ball. The two balls are held together by hundreds of nylon threads, and then you are pushed down a hill, across a stretch of water or over the snow. Zorbing can also be done with water inside the zorb, turning the experience into a wet and slippery one, allowing you to slide around the inside of the zorb. Zorbing can be done as an individual or with two or three people within one zorb, and can reach speeds of up to 30 mph.
Henley on Todd Regatta
The Todd "River", which ostensibly flows through Alice Springs, only actually runs about three days a year. Other than that, it's a dry river bed. So, the fun-loving folks in Alice Springs have scheduled an annual regatta to make light of the dry climate of the area. The boat race occurs in late September, and the "boats" are made of basically anything. Old trucks, rolling beds, lawn mowers, whatever.... The only rule regarding the boats is that they have to "remotely look like a boat".
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