Monday, May 27, 2013

Swimming and Bog Snorkelling


The connection with swimming doesn't neccesarily lie in the rules. With Bog Snorkelling, it's more about the actual act of swimming that the rules. In swimming, you must propel yourself forward using your arms and legs. You typically breath to the side in freestyle and the goal is simply to get to the other side of the pool in back the least amount of time as possible.


Bog Snorkelling

Bog snorkeller Ronnie Snyder

Bog snorkelling is a sporting event that consists of competitors completing two consecutive lengths of a 60-yard (55 m) water filled trench cut through a peat bog, in the shortest time possible.
Competitors must wear snorkels and flippers, and complete the course without using conventional swimming strokes, relying on flipper power alone.

Not only are these swimmers not able to do a normal swim stroke, they also have to swim through some nasty, thick water. Have you ever tried to doggy-paddle? And not just a kid doggy-paddle, and actual doggy-paddle that wil take you somewhere? It is much more difficult than doing any regular stroke. We should commend them for their adaptability and courage.

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