Monday, May 27, 2013

Marathon and Joggling


Like swimming, there aren't any big rules except for start on time and go. When running a marathon, more thought goes into the preparation than the actual event. Once running, that's all you have to do, run. It has to do a lot with endurance but there isn't many different ways in which to run. Marathons are typically 26.2 miles and lasts an average of a little over 4 1/2 hours.



The goal is to run the marathon in the fastest possible time, whilst juggling three objects. The balls (or clubs) should be juggled every step of the marathon. All patterns used must be continuously alternating right-left-right-left. No left-left or right-right will be allowed at any time. No `multiplexing’ will be allowed. If at any time any of the objects are dropped or touch the ground, the person attempting the record must stop and carry on from that point.
Joggling is again one of those sports where something is added. Not only do they run the same distance as a normal marathon, but now they have to worry about juggling three balls. Doing these two tasks separately is hard enough, but together it is an enormous feat. We should commend them for their adaptibility, endurance, and skill.

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